Doing everything for Jesus...
We transform lives for Christ through
joyful worship,
nurturing faith,
compassionate care,
and courageous witness.


Coming June 16 - 20
Wonder Junction at Newcomb Presbyterian Church/VBS
Howdy, Partners! Welcome to Wonder Junction! There's no greater joy than to praise the name of the Lord all day ..........
Sunday Mornings at 10:00am
If you have been attending church for years, or if this is your first time and you just want to "check it out," you are welcome! We are a small congregation with a somewhat traditional style of worship in a casual way.
You may hear traditional organ music at our worship, worship music on the clavinova, adults or children reading scripture, celebrations of ministries and people, and many other ways of praising and worshiping together as the family of God. Each Sunday worship is comfortably familiar while at the same time being different and open to participation of all who come.
You may also view our recent services by following this link. Our videos are not professionally done or edited ... but they are authentically who we are as we gather together in worship. We hope you will join us one Sunday very soon!

Newcomb Presbyterian is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
The Matthew 25 invitation focuses
on Matthew 25: 31-46, the parable of the sheep and goats in which Jesus makes clear, that what we do matters to God
and how we treat others is important to God.
Newcomb Church is one of 1,169 congregations in the PCUSA to be a
Matthew 25 Congregation and we are
committed to fully living out our mission to love and serve as Jesus did right here in NW Davenport and beyond as a Matthew 25 church.
Newcomb News
Wednesday Lenten Services April 2, 9, and 16 with Soup Supper at 5:30PM and Service at 6:30PM
Easter Service April 20th 10:00AM
Kids Club every Wednesday at 5:00PM
Sharon's Missions Food Pantry opening April 8th
Ladies Night Out dinner and program on May 3rd
For more details on the above events, check out our monthly newsletter on the Ministries tab above.